Thursday, April 4, 2013

Update #7

Chemo is over & now I'm starting my infusion of antibodies that will further prevent the cancer from coming back! I have one more surgery over the summer.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Relay for Life June 22-23. Be there!

Hello everyone! 

Today is my birthday, & as your birthday present to me, I'd like to ask that you donate &/or join my team Strength, Growth, & Positivity in joining in the fight against cancer at this year's Relay for Life! All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. No donation is too small and everyone is welcome! Relay this year is hosted on Livermore High School June 22nd & 23rd. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on Facebook or email me at
Our team link is:
Have a wonderful day(:

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hello everyone!

I'm sorry to have been slacking off on my blogger duties, but there has just been so much going on!

2 weeks ago, I started college (yippee!) at my local community college! I feel so grateful to finally be back at school. Now that I know what it feels like to not be able to go to school, it feels like a luxury to go to class & actively involve my mind in something other than the packets of information my doctor's give me. I'm hoping to catch up on classes this semester & Summer semester & then be back in Sonoma in the Fall. But who knows where life will take me(;

As for all things with "Strength, Growth, & Positivity," I'm taking my time figuring out exactly what I want to do. But don't worry, I always have ideas I'm working on! Each day, I find myself more & more excited to see where this journey will take me(:

This morning I did an interview on a show called "The Reinvention Circle." It's a bit lengthy, but covers a bit more of the nitty-gritty I normally choose to keep inside. If you're interested in listening, the link to the website is posted below!

Thank you all for your continued support, love, & prayers!

Stay strong, be positive, & grow!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Update #5- Chemo #4

Just a quick update to let everyone know how treatment went yesterday & to wish you all a happy holiday! (:

Monday, November 19, 2012

Update #4


Some of you may have been wondering how I'm keeping my hair so I decided to make a video explaining the process. It's definitely time-consuming & painful at times, but it's a whole lot better than losing my hair! I'm grateful for it everyday(:

Stay strong, stay positive, & grow! 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Update # 3

Today, on KGO radio (810am), a "spotlight" story of my journey was aired. It played 5 times throughout the day. When I went to a check up appointment with one of my surgeons, Dr. Hornik, I told everyone in the office about how I had been interviewed & that the story was airing today. Everyone was really excited & said that they'd definitely tune in.

Before leaving Kaiser, Ruth, my "breast care coordinator," called us into Dr. Hornik's office where my mom, Dr. Hornik, Ruth, Rachael, & I all sat to listened to my story. As I was listening, I looked around the room at the people around me & felt so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people. Since the beginning of my journey, they have shown me nothing but love & support, always having my best interest in mind. It's so amazing to think that I never would have met them if I wouldn't have gotten cancer... & I wonder how I could ever think "why me?"

Everyday, life shows me more & more that my diagnosis was actually a good thing. It's enabled me to spread awareness & save lives, be with people who have proven that they truly care about me, & grow exponentially as a person. I am the happiest I ever have been(:

Below is a picture of us (minus Rachael, who was taking the picture) crowded around the computer screen, listening to the radio, as well as a the story featured on KGO.

Stay strong, stay positive, & grow! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Update # 2

Hey everyone!

First off, I wanted to thank you all for all of your incredible support! I never expected my video/blog to get such amazing feedback! So many people contacted me with praise & offered their support. It's so wonderful to know that I'm not alone in this battle & that so many people truly do care. Thank you all so much(:

After letting all of you in on my life, I had 4 days of intense nausea. I experienced this after my first treatment as well, but this time was much worse. I was vomiting, unable to eat, & could barely move without feeling sick. Finally, on the 4th day, we got some new medicine on board! It's supposed to be really strong & the best anti-nausea medicine out there. I'm so grateful to have finally found something that works!

Yesterday, I had an interview with a guy that works at KGO radio. It's a local news station that does these things called "spotlights." They found out about me from a nurse I met when I was in the ER a few weeks ago. He said my story was "inspiring & unique" & asked if he could interview me! The special on my journey is going to air sometime in the next few weeks. It'll run 7 times that day. It's really cool to know that this interview will spread even more awareness! I'm so excited to see where this journey will take me(:

I would also like to encourage you all to go to the chili cook off at Granada this coming Friday before the Livermore vs. Granada game! It starts at 5:30 & all the proceeds go to a little boy who is fighting a hard battle with kidney cancer. He lives here in Livermore & really needs all the help we can give him. I'll be there to get some chili & donate & I hope anyone else that can will join me!

Stay strong, stay positive, & grow!